Tax Consulting


  • Business Accounting

    Bookkeeping and updating of all categories of books of K.F.A.S. with the most modern methods. Budget, balance sheets and financial statements preparation, supervision and any other accounting support with the prestige and reliability of our 35 years of experience. Correct monitoring of the financial progress of the company and accurate information is your only guarantee!

  • Personnel Management

    Our office provides comprehensive services covering labor - insurance issues of any type of business using modern methods of management, monitoring and updating of payroll. Submission and issuance of all kinds of labor declarations and statements as well as consulting services for payroll and insurance issues.

  • Business Establishment

    In order to increase the success rates of the investment and ensure a satisfactory degree of sustainability, you need to think through all the stages that will occur. Working with us can help you to make your vision a reality!

  • Services To Individuals

    Our services concern the tax and advisory support of the obligations of individuals. The wide range of these services enables our clients to monitor cases that require specialization and knowledge. Our goal is to improve client satisfaction and immediate personalized service - response to their requirements.


  • Financial Analysis

    Through a wide range of financial management services, the client can have continuous monitoring of the financial data of their business activity.


  • Subsidized Programs

    With TaxConsulting you do not have to worry about subsidized programs. It will research, study and plan for the appropriate program, based on your needs and capabilities, either for the financing of a new business or for your existing business


  • Computerization

    If you belong to those companies whose size and needs require the existence of an internal organized modern and functional accounting that solves all the extraordinary problems of the business and at the same time, provides useful information tools, then you need our experienced guidance for the proper organizational structuring or restructuring.

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