Services To Individuals

It is a fact that the obligations to the public sector are time-consuming and especially now, due to the constant changes in legislation, require a great deal of effort and patience to keep them up to date. In addition, the complexity of the laws and decisions issued make it even more difficult to keep track of them, with the result that most people turn to their accountant to obtain more complete and correct answers to their questions.

TAX CONSULTING is updated daily from the most trusted sources on all tax changes and maintains an electronic legislative library collection system. In addition, it regularly trains its executives through seminars to be able to advise each interested party avoiding inaccuracies and errors that cost unnecessary financial burden.

For this reason, we consider it advisable to inform our clients about the exact way of taxation and suggest proposals – solutions to avoid incorrect taxation. We are also in constant communication by phone, SMS, phone calls or email at each of the stages of filing the return and we remind our customers -by phone calls or SMS. and only at their request- οf their current obligations to the state to make their timely settlement.

Our services to individual clients can be broken down into:

Calculation, compilation and submission of income tax return (E1), detailed statement for rental property (E2) and statement of real estate data (E9)
Amending or supplementary declarations of previous years
Changes of register and management of electronic account
Calculation and submission of debt adjustment applications
Issuance of certificates (E.N.F.I.A. Awareness)
Issuance of e-Payment
Calculation and advice for declarations with a problem of presumption of coverage
Taxation of foreign residents

Pension studies
Investment studies and proposals
Insurance – labor issues services
Tax studies and proposals

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